Saturday, June 16, 2012

My Career Path

I think I've finally decided on what career to pursue! :)

I wanna be a mommy super super bad, but my boyfriend and I aren't even close to being ready for a little blessing, and I really want to work with/for children. So I figured, why not and Ultrasound Technician!?

That way, I am guaranteed a great salary (If I can find a job after I graduate), I get to work with mommies and little babies, and I will know what to expect once my eggo is preggo!

I've been doing a lot of research, and I'm hoping by this time next year I will be starting classes at school about half an hour away from where I work. :) My boyfriend is starting school soon to become an X-Ray technician, or something similar, so hopefully we'll carpool together!

Monday, June 4, 2012

I've 20 and I've never been to Disney World!!!

I collect Disney VHS tapes, and any Disney stuff I can get my hands on (which isn't much since I have very little money and very little space, living with my parents. *sadface* )

I can sing-along, word for word, almost every single Disney song in every Disney classic up until about 2004-ish.

I want a Disney themed wedding,

I have decorations for a Disney kitchen when I get my own place.

All my tattoo ideas are inspired by Disney movies.

When I'm sick, I lay down with one of my furry friends and usually watch my VHS tapes till I cry myself to sleep (slight exaggeration.)
My favorite nightgown is Minnie Mouse.....

My idol is Peter Pan (( NEVER GROW UP! ))

I could go on and on and on. I eat, drink, wear, and sleep Disney. I'm basically mildly obsessed.

It's the sad, sad truth. I LOVE everything Disney, yet I've never been. If I had the choice, I'd live in Disney World.

About a week ago, Nick suggested we save money to go to Disney World in the fall. I freaked. Like, childish little girl squeal and everything. haha We have a change jar started and I'm hoping to have a huge garage sale soon to save even more money. :) I will work 3 jobs for a few weeks if I have to! Going to Disney has been a dream of mine since my little brain could fathom the thought of such a wonderful place.

I need suggestions of where to stay, where to visit first, where to save my money for, and how much money should i really save? I have a million, billion questions and just as many butterflies in my stomach at the thought of going!

My First House!

It's actually happening... I'm going to be moving into my first house! I'm in shock. My boyfriend and I have gotten permission to move into his mom's old, dilapidated house. It has busted out windows and doors, the cieling in the master bedroom is caving in, it's infested with cockroaches, and has a pool that has over the years become a swamp. To most people, the house may look like a hopeless wreck, but to me it's a castle. :) My castle.

The house made it through hurricane Katrina and multiple burglaries but is still in great shape. Nick and I are going to fix up the house and make it our own. Guess who is in charge of all the deco!? ME!!! It's a dream come true. Sure, I have NO money whatsoever and I'm behind on a few of my bills, but this is an opportunity I thought I'd never get! The entire house is going to have one Disney theme after another, with a hidden Mickey in each room and kid-friendly design out the wazoo. haha!

I plan on starting the house tonight, actually. We are going to take pictures of the chaos before, during, and after. I'll be posting the pictures as we go... Most likely on this blog and one other. I'll keep you updated :)

Friday, May 25, 2012

I Dream In Color

This is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lisa Frank?? TOO CUTE

Beauty and the Beast <3

I could have cried when I saw this picture

Saturday, May 19, 2012

My First Tattoo!

There comes a time in every young adult's life when they have a choice of whether or not they want a tattoo. Usually this is at eighteen, when he/she becomes "legal". For me, this decision has plagued me for two years. Finally, at the age of twenty, I have gotten my first tattoo, and I'm too incredibly excited!

I've said for the longest time that all my tattoos were going to be Disney related, but this was my first tattoo, and though Disney is a HUGE love of mine, my first tattoo has almost nothing to do with Disney. I would post a picture, but I'm going to wait until it heals all the way. I hate seeing photos of tattoos when they're still pink and puffy and healing.

My first tattoo is the word "Bangarang" across my lower back. It's about 6-8 inches across and done in Calligraphy. <3

No, it has NOTHING to do with Skrillex. I don't even like the song. I actually took the word from the movie, "Hook".

What does bangarang mean?

Urban dictonary would say:

1. Battle cry of the Lost Boys in the movie Hook.
2. Jamaican slang defined as a hubbub, uproar, disorder, or disturbance.
3. General exclamation meant to signify approval or amazement.

In literary terms, it is a commotion, disturbance or argument

The tattoo actually has significant meaning to me for several reasons. I grew up loving "Hook". It was one of my favorite movies, came out the year I was born, and I have always loved Peter Pan. (The entire story, not just the movies.) Every time the "Lost Boys" would cry "Bangarang!" In the movie, I would yell it right along with them. I fell in love with the way Peter (Played by the amazing Robin Williams) rediscovers himself and remembers who he truly is. He overcomes his biggest fears in order to save two of the most important people in his life. He inspires the "Lost Boys" to always be who they are and to fight for what they believe in, to never give up. Also, the movie really teaches people to appreciate your family, to love them for who they are, and to remember that, though we need to work to make it in today's society, sometimes you just have to take a day off and spend time with your family. They may not always be there.... and you don't want to discover this after they're already gone.

To me, Bangarang means more than chaos. It means overcoming your fears and rediscovering yourself, and your self-confidence. Just think about it... Whatever your scared of. You're gonna go through a little chaos to accomplish overcoming your fear. You're gonna get scared, maybe terrified. You're gonna beat down your 'fight or flight' response. You may end up in a very scary, chaotic, awkward situation. But when it's all said and done, and your fear is accomplished, you'll feel larger than life. Your heart will be lighter, your feet barely touching the ground. Your adrenaline will be pumping so fast that you're high off the rush. You will then be crying "Bangarang!"

(one of many) Peter Pan Ramblings

Ok, most people won't care about the above link, but I am personally fascinated. I would do just about anything to get a copy of this, since it's obviously already played, and I don't even live in the same country.

Did I ever happen to mention that I am a complete fool for Peter Pan? I am absolutely in love with him. I love to see different adaptations of the story, no matter how far-fetched they may be. It gives more personality to this fairy tale character that so many people love and dream about.

I always say "You can grow old without growing up". Since we're obviously going to age no matter what, I plan on at least keeping my childlike wonder. I'm not saying I plan on shirking all adult responsibilities, but I plan on enjoying life and making just about every day an adventure.

I'd love to live out in the wild, amongst all the animals, away from the busy city life. But since I can't do that, I plan on always going on random adventures outside. Swimming at the creek, jumping off the ropeswing, going on hikes in the woods, going down an old dirt road with the plans of getting lost for an hour or two, driving along the countryside just to see what animals I may see. Climb a tree and watch the clouds, or simply take a nap underneath a nice leafy tree, with nothing with me but a book and something to eat/drink. Simple stuff like that make me very, very happy.

Everywhere I go, I always seem to have a little kid watching me closely. I get a long best with little waddlers and babblers. haha I Have always had a ridiculously strong love for children, and I think that's one of the reasons I love Peter Pan so much. I love to interact with children and see their wonder in the smallest, simplest things. All they want to do is learn and have fun. That's all I ask for in life, really. That, and to inspire people.

I have this dream about my future house. I want it to be a cross between Wonderland and Neverland. It will be greatly Disney inspired, and have bright colors and themes, as well as a sort of Gothic feel hidden in accents all over the house. The walls will be covered in murals, or painted to resemble different parts of the earth. I want it to be a place people want to hang out. I want my home to be a home to others in need. I want all the "Lost Boys" to be able to come and rest from their adventures. I want to be like Peter Pan in the way that I take in children and teach them to have fun and enjoy all the small things.

I am going to adopt. I am going to foster. I want every child that comes into my house to leave excited for life and appreciating the small things. I want every one to come in feeling that they've just arrived where their hearts somehow knew they always belonged.

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Perilous Pixie Cut: My Bad Pixie Cut Story

I think that pretty much all of us have at least one hair cut horror story. I actually have several. But, the most recent tops the cake. Not only because it is still fresh on my mind, or because it's the shortest my hair has ever been, but because it has actually taught me a valuable lesson.


Just kidding. :) I just really wanted to blog that picture. haha

So seriously, less than a week ago I decided I wanted a cut and dye. (My hair changes quite often. I get bored with it easily.) Anyway, I went in for a pixie cut and decided to go blonde (because I never have gone 100% blonde before). I thought it would be bold and edgy. Besides, if the blonde looked bad on me, I could simply dye it brown. No problemo, right?

The two hairdressers I go to always get so excited because they get to help choose how to alter the cuts and generally get to choose how to color it, as well. Usually I tell them kinda what I want and say "Have at it". We have come out with some really awesome looks!

Well, I went to the normal hair salon and told her what I wanted. I even had several example pictures of the general cut I wanted. The two hairdressers there consulted and decided that all blonde was a no-no, because my hair is daaaark brown with natural reddish highlights. Therefore, it would turn out a very copper filled blonde. So, we agreed on blonde streaks instead, and darker brown low-lights to cover up the red tint, since my mama despises red hair. I asked the girl doing my hair to put highlights only in the front so my head didn't turn polka-dotted in the back when she cut it oh-so-short. She agreed, mixed up the dye, and went to work. So I took off my glasses, sat back, and ran my face for the hour or so it took to put in the dye and let it soak in and do its magic.

Well.... When she took off all the foils and washed my hair out, she had a sort of funny look of dissappointment. When I walked to the mirror, I quickly saw why. Instead of dark brown, she dyed my hair black black blaaaack. Instead of blonde hightlights, my (ever so thick) bangs were a BRIGHT yellow blonde. Not in hightlights, mind you, but one big bright yellow-blonde chunk in the front of my head..... I was in shock. My hair was black and yellow. BLACK. AND YELLOW. I looked like a cheesy cartoon character. Like, the front of my hair went super saiyen and the back of my hair didn't (Yes, I'm a geek, and I went there).

Instead of freaking out, I swallowed my fear and figured it wouldn't look so bad once cut. Maybe, just maybe, I wasn't seeing the big picture. So, she went to chopping at my hair. That didn't take too long, and no ears were cut, so I calmed down pretty quickly. That is, until she finished with my hair and I put my glasses back on. My bangs, which are usually down in my face, cut to about my eye brows, if not lower, were cut waaaaay too short. :( And, they were really hacked at, which really showed over the dark hair.

I didn't have the heart to tell her how much I really didn't love it, or how I was tempted to cry. She's always done so good, and I didn't want to hurt her feelings. So, I paid and went home dejected, knowing my parents were probably going to rub it in my face, because they don't like when I dye my hair. Instead, they found pity in their hearts and mama actually took me to buy color stripper and hair dye to fix the terrible color combination.

I stripped the black from my hair and my hair turned even more red than natural. lol But, we all like the red. To fix the blonde, my mom chose a light ash brown. It came out an ashy blonde, but it's grown on me, and is kinda cool. At least the yellow is gone. :)

With the color fixed, I still just wasn't happy. My bangs were terrible, and didn't flatter me AT ALL. Mama wasn't too happy with it either, so she told me to get off my butt and figure out how I was going to style it because "It isn't cute, and it isn't very Emily" (She says something is Emily when she thinks it is my style).

So I sat on my bathroom counter and stared at myself in the mirror, coming very close to tears again. You can hide imperfections in long hair. But when your hair is no longer than four or five inches? What was I to do??? I couldn't go shorter, except to shave it off. My bangs have always been my security blanket! My left eye turns in slightly because of vision problems, and I usually hide that with my hair. It makes me very self conscious...

Now what do I hide behind???

Since my bangs didn't look good down, and were too short to pin back, I stood it straight up, just for a good laugh. Then I tousled the rest of my hair with some hair balm. I walked in the living room, and everyone LOVED it! I thought they were all psycho! That is, until I looked in the mirror. My bangs had fallen at the ends the opposite way that they usually fall, and had created this kinda cute little blonde wave. It was a kinda awkward 'do, and my whole forehead showed... (another self concious thing I have) but I liked it. The style looked kinda sharp, and I thought, "you gotta be brave to have a cut like this".

The next day I headed to work with my hair done the same way, and make-up done kinda cute for a little extra confidence boost. I have never gotten so many compliments at one time without actually dressing up! Everyone said I looked edgy, more confident, more grown-up, and they were glad to finally see my whole face. haha

Now I am able to look people in the eye. Now I no longer have to hide behind my hair to feel cute. Now I know that my hair isn't what makes me pretty. In less than twenty-four hours, I went from hating my hair to loving it!