Saturday, May 19, 2012

My First Tattoo!

There comes a time in every young adult's life when they have a choice of whether or not they want a tattoo. Usually this is at eighteen, when he/she becomes "legal". For me, this decision has plagued me for two years. Finally, at the age of twenty, I have gotten my first tattoo, and I'm too incredibly excited!

I've said for the longest time that all my tattoos were going to be Disney related, but this was my first tattoo, and though Disney is a HUGE love of mine, my first tattoo has almost nothing to do with Disney. I would post a picture, but I'm going to wait until it heals all the way. I hate seeing photos of tattoos when they're still pink and puffy and healing.

My first tattoo is the word "Bangarang" across my lower back. It's about 6-8 inches across and done in Calligraphy. <3

No, it has NOTHING to do with Skrillex. I don't even like the song. I actually took the word from the movie, "Hook".

What does bangarang mean?

Urban dictonary would say:

1. Battle cry of the Lost Boys in the movie Hook.
2. Jamaican slang defined as a hubbub, uproar, disorder, or disturbance.
3. General exclamation meant to signify approval or amazement.

In literary terms, it is a commotion, disturbance or argument

The tattoo actually has significant meaning to me for several reasons. I grew up loving "Hook". It was one of my favorite movies, came out the year I was born, and I have always loved Peter Pan. (The entire story, not just the movies.) Every time the "Lost Boys" would cry "Bangarang!" In the movie, I would yell it right along with them. I fell in love with the way Peter (Played by the amazing Robin Williams) rediscovers himself and remembers who he truly is. He overcomes his biggest fears in order to save two of the most important people in his life. He inspires the "Lost Boys" to always be who they are and to fight for what they believe in, to never give up. Also, the movie really teaches people to appreciate your family, to love them for who they are, and to remember that, though we need to work to make it in today's society, sometimes you just have to take a day off and spend time with your family. They may not always be there.... and you don't want to discover this after they're already gone.

To me, Bangarang means more than chaos. It means overcoming your fears and rediscovering yourself, and your self-confidence. Just think about it... Whatever your scared of. You're gonna go through a little chaos to accomplish overcoming your fear. You're gonna get scared, maybe terrified. You're gonna beat down your 'fight or flight' response. You may end up in a very scary, chaotic, awkward situation. But when it's all said and done, and your fear is accomplished, you'll feel larger than life. Your heart will be lighter, your feet barely touching the ground. Your adrenaline will be pumping so fast that you're high off the rush. You will then be crying "Bangarang!"

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