Monday, June 4, 2012

I've 20 and I've never been to Disney World!!!

I collect Disney VHS tapes, and any Disney stuff I can get my hands on (which isn't much since I have very little money and very little space, living with my parents. *sadface* )

I can sing-along, word for word, almost every single Disney song in every Disney classic up until about 2004-ish.

I want a Disney themed wedding,

I have decorations for a Disney kitchen when I get my own place.

All my tattoo ideas are inspired by Disney movies.

When I'm sick, I lay down with one of my furry friends and usually watch my VHS tapes till I cry myself to sleep (slight exaggeration.)
My favorite nightgown is Minnie Mouse.....

My idol is Peter Pan (( NEVER GROW UP! ))

I could go on and on and on. I eat, drink, wear, and sleep Disney. I'm basically mildly obsessed.

It's the sad, sad truth. I LOVE everything Disney, yet I've never been. If I had the choice, I'd live in Disney World.

About a week ago, Nick suggested we save money to go to Disney World in the fall. I freaked. Like, childish little girl squeal and everything. haha We have a change jar started and I'm hoping to have a huge garage sale soon to save even more money. :) I will work 3 jobs for a few weeks if I have to! Going to Disney has been a dream of mine since my little brain could fathom the thought of such a wonderful place.

I need suggestions of where to stay, where to visit first, where to save my money for, and how much money should i really save? I have a million, billion questions and just as many butterflies in my stomach at the thought of going!

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