Thursday, May 10, 2012

Let's Talk Gay Marriage

I don't think I could be any more blunt with my title. I normally hate talking about gay marriage because I'm afraid to insult anyone. But you know what? We have freedom of speech for a reason, so I plan to use it. :) I'm sorry If you don't share my beliefs, and I'm not here to insult or talk down to anyone. I just want to share my feelings.

I do not support gay marriage, but I believe they deserve to get married.

That statement may sound like a double negative of sorts, so let me explain.

I don't like the phrase "supporting gay marriage". If you support something, don't you generally support it financially as well as spiritually or whatever? I believe gay marriage should be allowed. Why? Well, I live in "The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave".  We have the right to believe in what we want to believe in.

Why shouldn't they get married? I mean, outlawing gay marriage isn't going to keep a gay couple from spending their life together, is it? If two women or two men get married, will it really affect you terribly? I mean, think about it. You don't have to witness the marriage. You don't have to hear their vows. They are paying for thier own wedding, not you. You can look the other way, can't you? I mean, we ignore things every day. Just one more won't hurt you, right?

If you come at this from a religious standpoint and say "In the bible...." you can stop right there. I am christian, I already know what the bible says.

Yes, the bible says that a couple should consist of a man and a woman.
Yes, the bible says it is a sin to do otherwise.
"Well then it is a sin for a gay couple to get married!"

We all sin every single day.
It is a sin to lie, steal, cheat, envy, sneak, be lazy, and many many other things.

If you're such a strong christian then you know that, to God, all sin is the same. We as humans find some sins worst than others, but in the eyes of God, all sin is the same. Therefore, you cheating on a test, lying about your taxes, lusting after your neighbor's spouse, is all just as bad as a gay couple getting married, is it not?

I have a lot more to say, but I'll stop for now, before any of us get too angry. Do share how you feel! You won't hurt my feelings. We're all entitled to our opinions. :)

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